Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Volcanoes mantay rays and seahorses

....and lots of swimming, snorkelling, shopping. Aloha!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Aloha, we made it to Waikiki! a few money hiccups, but all ok so far. The hotel is beautiful - google it Sheraton Waikiki. Have to go and have a swim now. Have fun at work!!! DQ

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Staying Alive or I should be dancing

Well, I kept my promise to the late Robin Gibb and came back to see Barry. I also got up and danced like John Travolta to 'You should be dancing' No pics, my toy camera chose to die :( I actually got really nervous and shy! So I didn't do all the stupid moves from the movie - just a couple. He is absolutely amazing, it was very moving, imagine losing 3 of your brothers!! Mum you would have loved it, he sang a lot of beautiful songs. He was always my fave apart from Andy, and has lots of charisma. He also looked at me a few times!!! Love my music, my music loves me XX

Saturday, April 16, 2011

PS did anyone watch Logans run last night starring Michael York?

What a classic, sooooo funny,

Home sweet home

Happy to be home, still got jetlag, back at work next Wednesday - do I have to? :)
My laptop crashed again, I'm just waiting for HP to send me a courier package so I can get it repaired. You will have to all be patient with me to see the photos, as my laptop issues stopped me from processing any of the photos while I was away. I still can't do any now. I only managed last night to get it to work long enough to have my first good look at the Namibian photos, so it is going to take me weeks before I can show anyone.
C'est la vie! Think I want an IPAD...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The worst predators - taxi drivers in Windhoek!

They charged me 50 Namibian rand for like a 2 minute trip, the shopkeepers said that was a ripoff, but what can you do? I'll hopefully get a shuttle to the airport, at least I've been shopping!!!! Might go again in the AM,

Saturday, April 9, 2011


When we arrived at the Kuala lodge they explained that there were no fences around the lodge, and there were animals roaming but not predators! Um thats good :)
They did warn us to look out for scorpions & snakes though (common). As there are no phones in the room we had a horn to blow in an emergency and a snake/scorpion handler would come running to our rooms. Very funny was so careful but we all survived. Shem however did leave his sandles outside his room in the desert lodge and there was a scorpion in them the next morning so I was very careful after that :)
On the way on my trip (on the road)I've seen baboons, springboks, oryx, a jackal, a falcon, giant cricket looking insects (forget the name) ostriches, but no zebra, oh well next time!