Sunday, October 4, 2009

Online applications and tools OR Google docs vs Zoho

Well we had a few technical issues watching some of the videos, they wouldn't open on my PC at home and we couldn't get sound on the Google Docs in plain english presentation here at work at the library.
The Geo greeting was really cool, not sure if I'd actually send it to anyone though?...
I found Google docs quite boring but practical. The applications in Zoho looked more exciting especially the Facebook application. However I doubt if I would ever use either of them, for now I'm just happy to use a USB stick if I want to save a file but I can see the value for web conferences and collaboration with others users.
Dancing Queen

1 comment:

  1. I have some concerns about Google's habit of using quotes from your emails to generate ads in Gmail. If they can do this, then I would not use document sharing for anything sensitive. Seems Google is very keen to know everything about us.
